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Orthodontics Is Not a DIY Project

June 8th, 2023

HUMAN INGENUITY IS almost endless, and we can see that in all kinds of do-it-yourself projects. There are so many ways to improve things, fix things, build new things, and save money while doing all of it. But one area that should never intersect with amateur DIY projects is orthodontic treatment. Leave the repositioning of teeth to the professionals, because the consequences of trying to do it without the proper training could be dire.

Steer Clear of Online DIY Braces Trends

Over the last few years, we’ve seen examples of influencers on social media who think they’ve discovered a life hack to skip past seeing an orthodontist through creative use of materials like rubber bands, fishing line, paper clips, earring backs, and dental floss. They position themselves as the pioneers of guerilla orthodontics, but they probably don’t realize that they’re putting their teeth (and their followers’ teeth) at serious risk, not to mention that they’re unlikely to achieve their desired teeth-straightening results.

The problem is that moving teeth into a different position is much more complicated than simply applying pressure to cause movement. Orthodontists spend several years learning everything that goes into the process and all the complexities of the teeth, gums, and jaws. A quick internet tutorial from someone with zero training is nowhere close to a substitute for all that education.

The Expertise That Goes Into Orthodontic Treatment

Many things go into a treatment plan for a patient. We factor in growth patterns in the bones and facial tissues, the way wisdom teeth will affect the position of the other teeth, and the patient’s overall health, just to name a few examples. A teenager with a handful of paper clips can’t account for any of these factors.

The Dangers of DIY Braces

One example of DIY braces gone horribly wrong is David Campbell, who tried to close the gap between his front teeth with rubber bands. The rubber bands kept disappearing overnight — or so it seemed. In reality, they were creeping up beneath his gums towards the roots of his teeth, where they ultimately strangled them. The cost of repairing the damage to his front teeth was much greater than it would have been to get braces from an orthodontist.

Aside from root strangulation, hazards of DIY braces include permanent damage to the tooth enamel. An orthodontist will use special materials and tools to protect the tooth enamel during treatment, but there is no such guarantee with makeshift braces crafted at home. In the end, the teeth could be left discolored, sensitive to temperature changes, and more vulnerable to tooth decay.

Leave Orthodontic Treatment to the Pros

The best outcome to hope for with DIY braces is that they simply won’t work. At worst, they can lead to permanent damage, including tooth loss. The American Association of Orthodontics puts it very well: “Moving teeth is a medical procedure and needs personal supervision by an orthodontist…Moving teeth without a thorough examination of the overall health of the teeth and gums could result in the permanent loss of teeth, which may result in expensive and lifelong dental problems.”

Trust the experts and always take good care of your smile!

Disclaimer: the content on this blog is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of qualified health providers with questions you may have regarding medical conditions.

Make a Plan for the First Loose Tooth!

May 25th, 2023

LOSING BABY TEETH is a perfectly normal part of growing up, but it can still be a scary new experience for little kids, particularly the first time. Parents can make it easier by encouraging the right mindset. Emphasize that losing a tooth is part of being a big kid! Help them focus on what an achievement it is to lose a baby tooth instead of dwelling on how it might hurt. This can be exciting!

Technique Matters!

Technique is as important as a good mindset. We would discourage parents from chasing their kids down with a pair of pliers or tricking them with that old “I just want to feel it!” ruse to get close enough to pull the tooth. Encourage them instead to gently wiggle the tooth on their own with their tongue, a tissue, or a clean finger. Let them set the pace and only intervene if they ask for help pulling the tooth.

Use The Right Incentives

A creative reward can also help. The standard way of giving a child a good incentive to brave the pain of losing a tooth is the Tooth Fairy, but why not make things a little more unique? Some kids might be more motivated by a promise of a trip to the ice cream shop or a new toy. Tailor the prize to their personality as much as you can.

Disclaimer: the content on this blog is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of qualified health providers with questions you may have regarding medical conditions.

Make a Plan for the First Loose Tooth!

May 11th, 2023

LOSING BABY TEETH is a perfectly normal part of growing up, but it can still be a scary new experience for little kids, particularly the first time. Parents can make it easier by encouraging the right mindset. Emphasize that losing a tooth is part of being a big kid! Help them focus on what an achievement it is to lose a baby tooth instead of dwelling on how it might hurt. This can be exciting!

Technique Matters!

Technique is as important as a good mindset. We would discourage parents from chasing their kids down with a pair of pliers or tricking them with that old “I just want to feel it!” ruse to get close enough to pull the tooth. Encourage them instead to gently wiggle the tooth on their own with their tongue, a tissue, or a clean finger. Let them set the pace and only intervene if they ask for help pulling the tooth.

Use The Right Incentives

A creative reward can also help. The standard way of giving a child a good incentive to brave the pain of losing a tooth is the Tooth Fairy, but why not make things a little more unique? Some kids might be more motivated by a promise of a trip to the ice cream shop or a new toy. Tailor the prize to their personality as much as you can.

Disclaimer: the content on this blog is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of qualified health providers with questions you may have regarding medical conditions.

There’s No Age Limit on Straighter Teeth

April 28th, 2023

WE USUALLY THINK of teenagers when we think of braces, but fully-grown adults haven’t missed their chance to have straight teeth. Modern orthodontics can help patients of any age, including patients who previously had braces but whose teeth have shifted out of alignment again over time.

Age and the Movement of Teeth

Throughout our lives, our teeth naturally shift and move in ways we’d rather they didn’t. The process is called mesial drift, where our teeth slowly shift toward the front of our mouths over the years. Factors like enamel loss, teeth grinding, and tooth loss can move our teeth out of alignment as well, resulting in an increasingly crooked and overcrowded smile that can be more difficult to keep healthy.

How Daily Habits Affect Dental Alignment

Time alone doesn’t affect the position of our teeth; sometimes little things we do every day without thinking about it can contribute to them shifting out of their proper position. These include such innocuous habits as sleeping on your stomach or resting your head on your hands while sitting. Side or back sleeping and good posture will minimize this effect.

Good oral hygiene habits are also important for keeping teeth where they belong by reducing enamel loss over time. Make sure to keep up with daily flossing and twice-daily brushing, and don’t neglect those regular dental appointments!

Orthodontic Treatment Can Help

It’s good and important to stop bad habits and build better ones, but doing so won’t reverse any dental shifting that’s already happened. That’s what orthodontic treatment is for. It may be true that it’s easier to guide teeth into their correct position when the patient is younger, but teeth of any age will still respond to orthodontic appliances.

Adult patients even have a major advantage over their adolescent counterparts: they are more mature and disciplined, meaning they are more likely to follow the orthodontist’s instructions to the letter, ensuring better and timelier results!

Modern Orthodontic Options Let You Go Low-Profile

You might already know that adults can get braces too, so maybe what’s stopping you from pursuing your straight smile goals is the prospect of spending a year or so being seen as a brace face. This can be a very unappealing idea, especially for adults with public-facing careers. The good news is that modern orthodontic treatment has options besides traditional wire braces, such as invisible aligners and ceramic braces. Keep your treatment a secret if you’d like to!

We Lok Forward to Your Consultation

Every set of teeth is different, which means every patient’s orthodontic treatment is different. We’re sure you have many questions about what treatment would mean for you, such as how long it would take, what appliances would be involved, and the cost. We’d love to answer all of your questions about adult braces when you schedule your initial consultation!

You deserve to have the smile of your dreams!

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